Junior NTR is a well known Tollywood actor. Junior NTR is grandson of late Nandamuri Taraka Rama Rao, who was a fine actor, founder of the Telugu Desam Party, and son of Harikrishna and Shalini. His family, friends and close associates called him Tarak, later he has changed his name to Taraka Rama Rao in the honor of his grandfather. As a child artist, he began his career and his first movie was his grandfather’s movie Brahmarshi Viswamithra and then Bala Ramayanam, directed by Gunasekhar. He played as Lord Sri Rama in his second movie and a role often played by his grandfather NTR. Lakshmi Pranathi & Junior NTR Engagement photos will be provided as it will be recieved.
Jr NTR wife laxmi prashanti
laxmi prashanti
laxmi prashanti
NTR marriage
Jr NTR wife laxmi prashanti